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Top 10 Things You CAN Be Doing

Posted inBuild, Grow

As we are going on a little over a month of The Shelter in Place Law here in California, I am finally beginning to adjust to this new version of “normal.” I’m not saying that I like it, but I am settling into a routine with my family and my business , and it feels like each day is getting a little bit easier and easier. 

Every single one of us has faced enormous challenges throughout this pandemic, and it is likely that there is more ahead. Which is why my most recent podcasts have been focusing on positivity, perspective, and mindset shifts that will help you cope with the adjustment.

However, now that most of us, like myself, are beginning to adjust, I want to talk about what you CAN be doing during this time. My hope for you is that you look back on this time and are proud of what you accomplished, how you handled it, and know that you did the absolute best that you could.  

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Or read on…}

Ten Things That You CAN Be Doing During This Shutdown 

1) Post on Social Media or Launch an email campaign: You might not be able to communicate face to face with clients, but that does not mean ALL communication has t be cut off. Experiment, try different things. Show them you still CARE. 

2) Take a course (online of course): Right now is the prefect time to learn a new skill. There are tons and tons of online courses and certifications you can take. Or, just do some research on your own! Learn TikTok, Linked in, Yelp Google reviews, or the hundreds of other things you said you wanted to learn about when you had the time.

3) Create or improve your website: If you do not have a website, MAKE ONE. It is one of the most important parts of running a business. If you already have one, take a look at it with fresh eyes. See if there is anything you can do to improve it while you have the time. 

4) Create or recreate goals: This pandemic likely has you thinking about whether you will be able to achieve your goals you set for yourself for 2o20. You don’t need to scratch your goals completely, in fact, I am sure they are more than possible to achieve. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. However, the plan you had made to achieve them might need some adjustment. 

5) Read a book: This is such a great time to read a book! If you have books sitting on your desk, or in your Amazon shopping cart that you’ve been meaning to get around to, now is the time! It’s a great way to relax and take a step away from the screen. 

6) Do a challenge: There are all kinds of online challenges that have gone viral throughout this pandemic. You can do a health and wellness challenge, a business challenge, a book challenge, the possibilities are endless. 

7) Create a morning routine that feels joyful: This was one of the first things that I did when quarantine began and it has helped me tremendously. Whether it’s taking a shower, washing your face, reaching out to a client, listing three things you want to accomplish, I encourage you to find some form of consistency to get your day started. 

8) Check in with a friend or family member: Fostering connection is one of the most important things we can do for one another during this time. Call or text someone you care about and let them know you’re thinking of them. 

9) Journal: Get a gratitude journal and just write. Write about the things you are thankful for. Write about the things that make you happy, sad, and everything in-between. It’s therapeutic and a great way to express your emotions. 

10) Just relax: Embrace the slowness. Live in the present moment. Just breathe. 

In addition, my team and I created a Pandemic Plan that will give you guidance on how to navigate your business during shutdown, how to know when to open up again, self care hacks, and much more! Head to to download our FREE Pandemic Plan! 


Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur