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BEST OF >>> The Money Mindset Episode You Have to Hear

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

I wanted to do a deep dive on money mindset and how the most toxic phrase thrown around in our industry is useless to help you grow your business and adjust prices.

“Charge Your Worth”

What does that even mean? Have you ever stopped to think about how you would even go about charging your worth? I think most people giving that advice mean it to raise your prices, but if you don’t have any clients at your current pricepoint, raising your prices certainly ain’t going to help you make more money… but hey – at least you’re “charging your worth now”. 

 So on this week’s podcast episode – I’m sharing ACTIONABLE steps you can use to identify a profitable price point for your business. 

 I share how you can reframe the meaning money has in your life, how to reassign looking at money through the lens of what’s possible as opposed to your current circumstances, how to help your clients see the value of what you offer before you ever introduce price, AND keeping your money mindset out of your client’s pocketbook.

This is one of those must listen to powerful mindset episodes that can really help challenge limiting beliefs around money that are so common in our industry.

Episode Highlights:

  •  – Money is neither good nor bad
  •  – Your treatment with money is a learned experience
  •  – An exercise to change your perspective of money
  •  – Your job is to make your client understand your service value
  •  – The whole point of having a business is to make money

NEW TRAINING ANNOUNCED: Mark your calendars for September 10th when I’ll be hosting my “Know Your Numbers Masterclass”. Too many Lashpreneurs are focusing on increasing sales and clientele, but losing money every single month and barely paying themselves! In order to pay yourself as the biz owner – your focus should be on increasing PROFIT and not necessarily sales. Registration for the masterclass will be opening soon – but if you get on the waitlist NOW – I’ll be sure to send you a killer discount for you cause I like to reward ACTION TAKERS: