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Creating a Business that Serves a Greater Purpose in your Life with Kimber Jaynes of Borboleta Beauty

Creating a Business that Serves a Greater Purpose in your Life with Kimber Jaynes of Borboleta Beauty

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I don’t often think that our industry is in any way, shape or form like a fairy-tale. But if it was, Kimber Jaynes of Borboleta Beauty would be the Cinderella in our story.

You’re probably familiar with the name Borboleta Beauty. I mean, it’s basically the Louis Vuitton of our industry. But it wasn’t always like that. Believe it or not, there was a time when the business was struggling. And, Kimber was forced to look in on herself to really understand what was happening and why.

Against all odds, she managed to turn her business and reputation around, got humble and worked hard. And as a result her company became one of the biggest product lines and brands our industry has ever seen.

I’m a HUGE fan of Kimber (as if that wasn’t already obvious) and I couldn’t wait for the chance to get her on the show. It’s not every day you get to meet a lash celebrity, but I kept my cool…for the most part.

Kimber and I had an inspiring and at times, tear-jerking discussion about what it took for her to create a business as successful as Borboleta Beauty.

We also explored how her team has stepped up in ways Kimber and her husband Craig could never have imagined.

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}

Business that Serves a Greater Purpose

Your business can often feel like your baby. I mean, you grow it from nothing. You put all of your blood, sweat, and tears into it and nurture it until it has a life of its own. It’s a part of you and for the lucky ones, it serves a greater purpose than just generating an income.

For some, our businesses bring us joy and fulfilment. We feel like we’re finally doing something worthwhile.

And, we’re doing the thing that we are meant to do and that’s something to be extremely proud of.

However, getting to that stage is definitely an evolution. It takes a lot of time, even for someone as successful as Kimber.

When she started, she didn’t have a clue what she was doing. She didn’t know how to run a business. But she saw an opportunity in the industry and did the training until she was ready to “go it alone.”

I didn’t know what I was doing. And, I didn’t have a college degree – I just had a passion for lashes. Although I was $50,000 in credit card debt and I paid it all off in one year by doing lashes on clients.”


Starting a Killer Lash Product Line 

Many of us dream of taking the leap and launching our own product line. Although Kimber never planned on running an e-commerce site, she always knew she wanted to sell products at some stage in her career.

I started a product line because I was getting frustrated with the infancy of the industry and not being able to have questions answered.”

Kimber set out to create a product line using only safe and healthy ingredients. She wanted to make sure she knew exactly what was going into her products and what she would be putting on her clients.

There was a clear gap in the marketplace and a need that needed to be filled.

So, instead of waiting around for someone else to swoop in and fill the gap, Kimber did it herself. Although it was a risk, it paid off BIG TIME.


Dealing with Imposter Syndrome and Getting Humble


Have you ever felt like you were ‘faking’ it? That somebody would come along one day and spill all of your secrets to the world including the big one – you’re not a good business owner (or lash artist for that matter). You’re nothing but an imposter.


If you can relate, it’s safe to assume you’ve experienced imposter syndrome at some stage in your life or career. Kimber struggled with this same fear for a long time. She was afraid that someone would come in, the curtains would come up and she would be ‘ousted’ to the world.


When her new CEO, Dave, joined the Borboleta Beauty team, he didn’t hold back. He didn’t exactly push her under the bus, but he did give it to her straight.


“I felt like someone punched me in the stomach. He said, Kim, your team does not respect you and they do not trust you. This is an unorganized, chaotic mess and I’m going to help you fix it, but you need to check yourself.”


After she gathered her thoughts and you know, took a few deep breathes and collected herself, Kimber was able to see Dave’s point. Something needed to change and that something…was her.


“At one point I was not only the most hated person in my company but probably one of the most hated and disrespected people in our industry.”


Kimber did a self-assessment of sorts and she realized she was fed up of keeping up with a fake persona on Instagram and with people in her daily life. She wasn’t being true to herself or her team. So, she worked hard to turn things around and started to treat people the way that she wanted to be treated by others.


The experience helped her to become so much more humble and happier as a person and business owner.



The Importance of Supporting Each Other 


After all of the ups and downs, Kimber had made room for personal and professional growth.


They curated an amazing team that works together to achieve the same goals for the business.


Everyone supports each other and they support Kimber and her husband Craig.


When they had their daughter Scottie, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis shortly after birth. Kimber and Craig weren’t expecting something like that to happen and everything that came along with it such as all of the treatments and visits to the doctor, etc.


It was a big change in their lives, and they needed to take time away from the business to care for Scottie. As they stepped back, the team stepped forward. They worked longer hours, showed up for meetings at Kimber’s house when she couldn’t make it in. And, they made sure the business would thrive despite their absence.


When there was a cystic fibrosis walk in Salt Lake, Borboleta Beauty sponsored it and the entire team showed up to walk with Scottie and show their support.


I looked around and it was our whole Borboleta team walking to support my daughter with this disease that she has, and I will never forget that.”


Get in Touch with Kimber and Borboleta Beauty


If you’d like to get in touch with Kimber, you can connect with her via her personal Instagram account @KimberJaynes and/or follow the Borboleta Beauty Instagram account via @BorboletaBeauty.


To learn more about Borboleta Beauty and their amazing product line, click here.


Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur