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A Guaranteed Way to Find More Time to Work ON Your Business

A Guaranteed Way to Find More Time to Work ON Your Business

— Posted inGrow

Are you spending too much time working in your business instead of ON it? 


This phrase is tossed around a lot and it essentially comes down to how you spend your time. If you’re spending most of your day working with clients, taking phone calls, making appointments and so on, you’re working in your business. 


On the other hand, working on your business is when you do things that actually push your business forward.

You set goals and create plans to make your vision for your business and your future a reality. 


Finding the perfect balance between the two can be pretty difficult. You’ve got all of these wonderful dreams, ideas, and aspirations for your business. But you don’t have the time to turn any of them into tangible things. At least, you don’t think you have the time. 


I can’t tell you how often lash artists and business owners have asked me how to get more time to do “all the things.”

I thought about it and decided to launch a 5-day challenge to help fellow lashpreneurs get more time back.


It’s absolutely FREE to join the challenge and by the end of it, you’ll feel not only empowered, but in complete control of where your time is best spent. 


But, before we get into the challenge, I want to take a moment to bust some myths about time and how we should or shouldn’t spend it.   

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}


 1. The lies (and excuses) we tell ourselves


Lots of people trick themselves into thinking that a perceived lack of time is why they haven’t achieved what they want yet.  


They tend to have a mindset that goes something like this: 


“If I just had more time, I would be successful.” 


This way of thinking can be morphed into a lot of different variations such as, “If I just did more,” or, “If I just took on more things, spent more time on social media, slept less, took on more hours…then I would have more time to be successful.” 


If you’ve said something along those lines to yourself, you can blame your parents (sorry mom and dad!).  


But let’s face it, our warped sense of time and how it equates to our success is totally their fault. They grew up in an era where money was scarce. Or, maybe they or your grandparents were born during the depression and now they have the mindset that you’ve got to work hard and pay your dues. 


Times have changed people!  

Working long and hard hours doesn’t always equate to more money and success.

If it did, there would be a lot more people doing it. Instead, those that are working 12-hour days are often still struggling.  


You can get addicted to hustle. You sacrifice all of your free time to work and for what? So you can go home feeling exhausted and drained every day only to go to bed so that you can get up the next morning and do it all over again? 


Having the dangerous mindset that the more you do, the more success you’ll have, will only lead to your inevitable demise.  


I teach my clients inside of The Lashpreneur Society to work smarter, not harder.

And, one of the most important steps to achieve this is to regain control of your time and knowing where your time is best spent for maximum impact. 



2. “I am so hungry for this dream, but I don’t have the time”

This is a common excuse I hear from lashpreneurs all the time. They live their lives as though somebody else is in control of their time. They wait around for more time to magically find them and of course, it never does. 


You MUST create time to work on or pursue your dreams. 


The biggest mistake I see in our industry is when a lashpreneur is so busy with clients that they assume hiring someone will take some of the pressure off. And yes, maybe your hired help can take some clients off your plate.  


But guess what?  


You’ve still got things and people demanding your time. To make matters worse, you now have extra non-revenue generating activities to focus your time on. Think about all of the hiring, firing and managing you’ll have to do now that you’ve got a team. Not to mention you’ll have to pay your team whether they’re generating revenue or not. 


News flash – adding on a team does NOT give you more time back. 


If you’re struggling to find time now, you’re still going to struggle when you’ve got a team. Heck, some of you might even have less time to yourself with a team than without one.  


So, when is it a good time to start building a team? 


A good rule of thumb is to resist the temptation to hire someone until you know you’ll have the time to hire, mentor, train and manage that person. 


If you’re swamped with clients and you find yourself working extra hours and weekends, it’s time to raise your prices. Don’t be afraid to add $15 to $25 per service. Yes, you might lose some clients, but that’s the point. 


Raising prices enables you to intentionally drop clients in order to give you some time back. You’ll lose the clients that can’t afford your services. But you’ll either make the same amount you did before while working fewer hours. Or, you’ll make even more than you did before. Either way, it’s a win-win situation and now you’ve got the extra time to work ON your business. 


If you want to build a team and do more things to push your business forward, you’ve got to create time. 


3. You are NOT a victim when it comes to time


The way we view time has more of an impact on our lives than we realize. When we don’t meet our goals, it’s all too easy to pass the blame onto something or someone else. But I’m here to tell you that you’re in complete control of your time.  


Before you rush to defend your hectic calendar schedule, hear me out. Yes, you might have obligations. Perhaps you’ve got kids and you think that’s why you can’t get things done. But come on, that’s just an excuse (most of the time). I have kids too. I choose to put them both in day-care so that I have more time to work. That’s my choice because I need that time to work on my business, or my kids don’t get fed. It’s as simple as that. 


If you’ve got persistent clients who insist they can only come in the evening or weekends and now you’re working those hours, I’m afraid that’s on you. Believe it or not, there is a way to attract a clientele that IS available during the day.  


Don’t let your clients dictate your schedule. If you want to spend your nights and weekends with your family, you’ve got to make time for that. 


YOU can decide where your time is focused on. Where, when and how you spend your time is COMPLETELY within your control. 


Sometimes it’s necessary to assess your commitments and see where you can make some changes. If you don’t want to work at the weekend, don’t. Reframe your time and remember that you’re not a victim to whenever your clients are available.  


Another complaint I get a lot is that social media is an epic waste of time. If I’m honest, I have to agree with you. Social media can be a huge waste of time…if you don’t know how to market yourself with intention and strategy.  


When leveraged properly, you can utilize social media to convert potential clients. You just need to learn how to post and market your business in a way that speaks to your ideal client type.  


Your time is your most valuable asset. You can’t pay for more time.

So, you’ve got to make the most out of the time you do have. This starts by owning the fact that you are in control of where your time and energy is best spent.  


The 5-day “Ditch Your Phone Challenge”


To help you see just how much time you’re in control of and just how to work smarter and not harder, I’m giving you the gift of time back. 


I’m launching a FREE 5-day challenge where I will show you the exact ways in which I manage to find more time in my week to be able to work ON my business and not just in it.  


So, let me introduce you to the “Ditch Your Phone Challenge.” 


Before you jump to conclusions, it’s not what you think! 


This 5-day challenge is going to walk you through how to set healthy boundaries around your phone, your social media usage, and teach you to be intentional about being on your phone with purpose.  


I can almost guarantee that by the end of the 5 days, you’ll have found AT LEAST an extra hour a week if not more to use to either relax, take up a hobby, take up some self-care or have an extra hour or two to work ON your business and not just in it.  


I’d love for you to join me inside of this free 5-day “Ditch Your Phone Challenge” and you can sign up here. 


Have a good one! 

Tara Walsh 

The Lashpreneur