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Being A Pushover Never Made Anyone Any Money

Posted inBuild, Grow

We’ve all experienced this at one time or another…

You have certain clients that simply do not respect your time or your business. They show up late, cancel their appointment at the last minute, or just no show altogether.

If you work in the beauty industry, this type of problematic client is basically unavoidable. We will all have to deal with one at some point or another. But if this is a constant problem for you in your business, and these types of unruly clients are becoming a norm…

It might be time to do some self reflecting.

If you want people to treat you like a business, and pay you like a business, you need to ACT LIKE A BUSINESS OWNER. And what exactly does that mean?


Your policies should be the boundaries that allow you to have a happy, healthy, and long lasting relationship with your clients.

There should be no special treatments for certain clients. Even if you like them, even if they’ve been your client for a long time. You need to operate your business like a business, not a hobby.

If you continue to let things side for clients left and right, they will think that it’s okay to walk all over you and take advantage of you. And that is not the way that you build a successful, profitable business.

Luckily, this is a simple solution that you can implement into your business, so that you won’t have to worry about these types of issues, because they will all be covered in your policies beforehand.

In this weeks episode of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I talk all about how to create and enforce policies, how you should be consulting with your clients, how to stop targeting unreliable clients, and much much more! Tune in below!