Today I’m going to address that ever looming lash industry slump… JANUARY. Talk about a holiday hangover! January is usually the slowest month in our industry, and before you freak out on me and claim that the lash industry is starting to decline, I want to share with you some way’s to make January aContinue reading "The January Slump & What To Do About It"
LIKES ARE GONE! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?!?! As a business owner, I know right about now you think this should be your que to freak out… but don’t run for the hills just yet! I am here to tell you that likes going away isn’t actually the end of the world, and whyContinue reading "Instagram-ageddon – RIP Likes"
GAAAH RETENTION ISSUES are the nightmare of every lash artist. Somedays your clients get STELLAR retention and you are walking around like Queen Bee – feeling like the shiiz. And then – something mysterious and unnerving happens. And you have NO friggin idea what! And now your clients cant keep lashes on for more thanContinue reading "A Happy Adhesive Requires A Great Location"