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The January Slump & What To Do About It


Today I’m going to address that ever looming lash industry slump… JANUARY. Talk about a holiday hangover! January is usually the slowest month in our industry, and before you freak out on me and claim that the lash industry is starting to decline, I want to share with you some way’s to make January aContinue reading "The January Slump & What To Do About It"


Instagram-ageddon – RIP Likes


LIKES ARE GONE! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?!?! As a business owner, I know right about now you think this should be your que to freak out… but don’t run for the hills just yet! I am here to tell you that likes going away isn’t actually the end of the world, and whyContinue reading "Instagram-ageddon – RIP Likes"


A Happy Adhesive Requires A Great Location


GAAAH RETENTION ISSUES are the nightmare of every lash artist. Somedays your clients get STELLAR retention and you are walking around like Queen Bee – feeling like the shiiz. And then – something mysterious and unnerving happens. And you have NO friggin idea what! And now your clients cant keep lashes on for more thanContinue reading "A Happy Adhesive Requires A Great Location"


How to Lower Stress with Gratitude

How to Lower Stress with Gratitude

  Is there anything you like to do on your ‘low days’ to lift you up?   We all have good and bad days. Personally, I struggle with anxiety and overwhelm. Well, I used to.   It got so bad that I would lie awake at night, staring up at the ceiling and stressing aboutContinue reading "How to Lower Stress with Gratitude"