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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Build

Build, Grow

Perspective Shift During a Pandemic

Build Grow

As we settle into quarantine, the shut down, and the reality of social distancing, emotions are at an all time high.  For me personally, I have feared what’s ahead for myself, my family, and our industry. To the best of my ability, I have tried to welcome the break from the norm and the constantContinue reading "Perspective Shift During a Pandemic"

Build, Grow

The Problem with the Clients in Our Industry

Build Grow

If you’ve ever had a rude, outrageous, insane, high maintenance or difficult client, then this post is for you! f  However, I’m going to talk about taking responsibility for your results in your business. None of this “empowered women empower women” attitude while in the same breath also tearing a woman down for doing somethingContinue reading "The Problem with the Clients in Our Industry"