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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Build

Build, Start

The # 1 Crippling Obstacle Holding Most Lash Artists Back From Starting Their Own Lash Business: Fear of Failure

fear of failure, lash business coach, lash business
Build Start

I’ve been doing this lash business coaching gig for a hot minute now and I ask all of my current and prospective 1-on-1 coaching clients what is holding them back from just killing it in their own eyelash extension business. The Top 3 obstacles holding most lash artists back from starting their own lash businessContinue reading "The # 1 Crippling Obstacle Holding Most Lash Artists Back From Starting Their Own Lash Business: Fear of Failure"

Build, Start

Should You Be Using Social Media to Market Your Eyelash Extension Business? The Answer is YES!

social media, lash business marketing, lash business coaching
Build Start

There are about 463,209,301 reasons why social media marketing should be at least a part (if not the main) source of your online marketing efforts to attract new clients into your eyelash extension business. I hear quite often from those who haven’t drank the Zuckerberg Kool-Aid quite yet that “I’m just not that into socialContinue reading "Should You Be Using Social Media to Market Your Eyelash Extension Business? The Answer is YES!"

Build, Grow

Client Expectations Vs Reality: Have you Met the Mark?

client expectation
Build Grow

Want a little insider’s tip? What YOU are putting out there from the second they first interact with your business (usually online) is already setting their expectation of the type of service and experience they would receive if they decide to book an appointment with you.

Build, Grow

Being Authentic in an Online World

Build Grow

How to be authentic in an online world? Be consistent in providing value, being human and taking damn good lash photos to display your work and be ready when the client wants to take their stalker status to the next level and book an appointment.