CHEERS TO OUR 200TH PODCAST EPISODE!!! 🎉🥂 Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me! It’s been such a joy to connect with so many amazing beauty biz bosses. To celebrate, I’m doing a special GIVEAWAY and you can get all the details about it over on INSTAGRAM – so make sureContinue reading "Can’t Pay Yourself? Here’s How To Fix It"
Every time I speak on this topic, it ruffles some feathers… Because hiring employees and offering commission-based pay is the “norm” in our industry – and it really SHOULDN’T BE (in my opinion). So I will continue to shout from the rooftops that commission-based pay is bad for beauty businesses AND their team members becauseContinue reading "Why I Can’t Stand Commission-Based Pay For Your Team"
Do you really need an accountant? This is the perfect time of year to start interviewing and finding an accountant to help you learn the financial ins and outs of running a business and to help you understand what you need to know as far as taxes. It can absolutely seem overwhelming to face yourContinue reading "Do You Really Need An Accountant?"
I (LOVINGLY) want to call you out on your BS (belief system) that’s robbing you of growth! Just because you don’t know how to do something – doesn’t mean you don’t do it! It means you have got to prioritize learning how to do it! Don’t know how to market your business in a wayContinue reading "Your BS (Belief System) Is Robbing You Of Growth"