Stop running your business on FEELINGS – cause let’s face it – depending on the time of the month – your feelings be lying to you girl! On today’s episode, I am sharing some of the BEST ADVICE I have learned about letting my BUSINESS tell me what it needed to grow instead of relyingContinue reading "Stop Running Your Business On FEELINGS"
I have a TROLL!! 🤣🥳 And no, it’s not the cute kind that sings catchy songs! I was told I’m a “trend chasing moron” and look “hideous with a low IQ” on a Reel that I posted. I know that receiving these types of comments – or any negative comment for that matter – isContinue reading "I Have A TROLL!!"
You are NOT a victim to where your time is spent! As an employee – sure, it can be argued that if you work more, you make more – likely when you’re paid hourly and get overtime when you work past your standard hours of work. This thinking as a CEO is WHY your businessContinue reading "You Are NOT a Victim to Where Your Time is Spent!"
Ah, I love data. I really do! I know it can be very draining and dull and boring, but I promise you – my fellow anxiety sufferers – the data is really what’s going to help you make decisions in your business that aren’t based on emotion, but actual informed decisions based on data. KnowContinue reading "Here’s How You Know If You Can Really Afford to Hire a Team Member"