Recently a long time student of mine asked “I want to offer a monthly subscription for my clients so I get paid on the 1st of the month. I’m thinking of including 2 services in their payment, with perks of getting first dibs on appointments – and offering the services at a discounted rate. ThisContinue reading "Lash Biz FAQ – Should you offer a membership/subscription for your services?"
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Who do you think you are?” Today we’re going to talk about imposter syndrome, what it is, how to tackle it, and how to overcome it. What is Imposter Syndrome? If you’re not familiar with what imposter syndrome is, more or less it is a little tiny voice inContinue reading "Imposter Syndrome"
Coaching Corner: How Your Self-Worth Affects the Success of Your Business with podcast listener Tori Miller Part 2

In Part 2 of this Coaching Corner episode, I answer Tori’s question about how she can find the time to go to therapy and do the necessary work on herself to improve how she shows up in her business. My recommendation for Tori to find more time is to drop some of the clients she’sContinue reading "Coaching Corner: How Your Self-Worth Affects the Success of Your Business with podcast listener Tori Miller Part 2"
Coaching Corner: How Your Self-Worth Affects the Success of Your Business with podcast listener Tori Miller Part 1

In this new Coaching Corner episode, I talk with Tori Miller who owns a sugaring business in Las Vegas, NV. In Part 1 of this 2-part series, I take her through what I call domino belief coaching. That’s where we’re going to get clarity on why this one thing is happening in her business-and itContinue reading "Coaching Corner: How Your Self-Worth Affects the Success of Your Business with podcast listener Tori Miller Part 1"