Coaching Corner: How to Juggle Business and Life as a Single Mom with Podcast Listener Shyrome Hardmon Part 2

On Part 2 of my coaching call with Shyrome, we talk about marketing her business and where she’s stuck in a rut and needs a little guidance. Shyrome shares: “I know sometimes I get distracted by everything that’s going on on my Instagram, and I’m looking at everybody else, and I’m feeling like I needContinue reading "Coaching Corner: How to Juggle Business and Life as a Single Mom with Podcast Listener Shyrome Hardmon Part 2"
Coaching Corner: How to Juggle Business and Life as a Single Mom with Podcast Listener Shyrome Hardmon Part 1

Podcast Listener, Shyrome Hardmon applied to be a guest on this Coaching Corner episode. Shyrome is struggling with marketing and building her clientele. It’s extra hard for her because she is a single mom to two small children and she feels like she doesn’t have enough time to run a household AND learn marketing forContinue reading "Coaching Corner: How to Juggle Business and Life as a Single Mom with Podcast Listener Shyrome Hardmon Part 1"
I received a DM on Instagram recently asking “How often should I try to run specials to try to get new clients?” and it got me thinking about how I approach running promos and what the purpose is behind running a special. The lightbulb moment I had in thinking through how I was going toContinue reading "The Do’s and Don’ts of Discounts"
Your Business is NOT Your Baby – Identifying an Unhealthy Codependency with Your Business

I was on a coaching call with one of my Momentum Mastermind students the other day and she said something that struck me like a blaring siren of why she had been struggling so much to grow and scale her business. She said “My business is my baby.” Have you ever felt that way orContinue reading "Your Business is NOT Your Baby – Identifying an Unhealthy Codependency with Your Business"