Must Know Updates to Venmo and How to Find an Accountant with Michelle Cook of Small Business CPAs

Let’s talk accounting and payment processors! A recent Venmo change has some beauty pros freaking out about monies earned from Venmo transactions now being reported to the IRS by Venmo if more than $600 is processed using the payment processor. I’ve noticed the general understanding about payment processors as well as the conversations being sharedContinue reading "Must Know Updates to Venmo and How to Find an Accountant with Michelle Cook of Small Business CPAs"
Recently I created a Reel based on 4 factors to see if I could get it to outperform any other reel I’ve done so far (still new to the Reels/TikTok Game myself – started creating that format of content back in September so if my late 30’s self can figure it out – you canContinue reading "Copy My WINNING Reels/TikTok Formula"
Coaching Corner – How to Get Started in Business as a New Lash Artist with Listener Sarah Anderson

I was recently asked by a new lash artist just how to get started in running a business once she’s got her license and I thought this would be a great opportunity to do some coaching for her on this week’s podcast episode! So I did just that! If you are new to running aContinue reading "Coaching Corner – How to Get Started in Business as a New Lash Artist with Listener Sarah Anderson"
On today’s episode, I share the thoughts, beliefs and actions that get in the way of most business owners when it comes to goal planning. Goal planning and resolutions are usually junk. People rarely achieve what they set out to do because they set themselves up for failure. It’s not the big dreams and goalsContinue reading "THIS is How to Create a Goal Worth Working Towards!"