So here’s a little fact you may not know – during the 4.5 months I took off from The Lashpreneur – I was in talks with a company to sell The Lashpreneur to them. Honestly – that was my hope when I decided to step away from The Lashpreneur as I just wasn’t sure IContinue reading "How 2 Women Sold their Lashbiz for 7-figures"
From Maternity Leave to Fully Booked in TWO MONTHS with Lashpreneur LEGEND – Ashley Higgins

One of my Lashpreneur Society students had posted this after just returning from Maternity leave about two months prior: What I didn’t know was the bombshell sheContinue reading "From Maternity Leave to Fully Booked in TWO MONTHS with Lashpreneur LEGEND – Ashley Higgins"
In my journey to becoming a business coach and from taking courses and working under mentors and coaches myself, I have learned some powerful tools that have helped to grow multiple businesses AND weather some of life’s craziest andContinue reading "The Best Thing I’ve Ever Learned To Do for Myself"
The Pros & Cons of Being an Educator & Distributor with Brigette Doherty of Lash Box LA – Australia

On today’s episode, I’m bringing on my friend, Brigette Doherty of Lash Box LA Australia to share her take on the Pros and Cons of being an Educator and Distributor for a major lash brand – LashboxLA. BrigetteContinue reading "The Pros & Cons of Being an Educator & Distributor with Brigette Doherty of Lash Box LA – Australia"