Zoe Yip Coaching Question: I am the most expensive in my area and I’m hardly getting any clients through my door. I feel like my prices are the main reason why I’m not getting any clients but I don’t want to reduce my price as I don’t feel like my price is unreasonable. I activelyContinue reading "COACHING CORNER with listener Zoe Yip (Part 2)"
Zoe Yip Coaching Question: I am the most expensive in my area and I’m hardly getting any clients through my door. I feel like my prices are the main reason why I’m not getting any clients but I don’t want to reduce my price as I don’t feel like my price is unreasonable. I activelyContinue reading "COACHING CORNER with listener Zoe Yip (Part 1)"
Protecting Your A$$(ets) with Hairstylist turned Attorney – Reonna Green of SHEtrademarks

Are you ready to make sure your A$$(ets) are protected? If that’s a hell yeah – then I want to introduce you to one of my friends! She’s one of those friends that you probably aren’t even aware you need – until it’s too late. She’s an attorney – but not just any attorney –Continue reading "Protecting Your A$$(ets) with Hairstylist turned Attorney – Reonna Green of SHEtrademarks"
Entrepreneurship is NOT the easiest way to make money in this life – but it sure as heck is the most challenging and hopefully – rewarding choice you’ll make for yourself. Being a business owner and being the one fully responsible for the results and outcomes of not only your business – but your futureContinue reading "You CAN Do This – A Motivational Episode"