How can you make your business stand out against ALLLL that competition? Lash artists in your city may be popping up like mosquito bites when the weather turns warm! So how are you supposed to get in front of clients when it just feels like every where you turn is another lash artist that isContinue reading "This is Why Your Engagement Sucks"
Are you freaking out about having enough clients to make ends meet or maybe you’re struggling to build a clientele? I know I don’t even need to ask if you’re marketing on social media, or asking for referrals or handing out business cards – cause my assumption if you’re reading this is – YOU AREContinue reading "Let’s Solve Why You’re Struggling to Get Clients"
Why am I nervous writing this post? I mean – we’re strangers but yet – we’ve collectively all been through hell the last year plus. So while we may not know each other well, we can certainly relate and sympathize with each other over a shared journey of – “what a year!?!”. I’ll keep thisContinue reading "I Fired Myself – Here’s Why"
Have you ever wondered how your customers find you? Or have you ever wondered what your potential customers find when they Google your business? I mean think about it… Have you ever paid for a service, or spent money on anything really, without doing some digging? In order for someone to book with you andContinue reading "How Do Customers Find You"