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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Build, Grow

When To Hire – My Top 3 Tips

Build Grow

So picture this: You’re ready to take the next step in your business. Maybe you’re even fully booked – you just know that you’re ready to grow and scale. And naturally you might think, I should hire a team! Get some team members to work under you, perhaps work less hours, maybe even take someContinue reading "When To Hire – My Top 3 Tips"

Build, Grow

Getting Your Clients To Clean Their Lashes

Build Grow

Ahhh retention… Such a tricky tricky beast for us lash artists! The number one question I get asked from my students is: What is the best adhesive for stellar retention? I’ll let you in on a little secret: There is no such thing as a “best adhesive.” However, there is a  best METHOD that youContinue reading "Getting Your Clients To Clean Their Lashes"

Build, Grow

Preparing Your Business For The Holidays

Build Grow

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and I know like me, you may have been complaining about all the Christmas décor in the shops in September, but do you know what? Tis the season where our industry experiences the MOST demand and you need to get ready for it RIGHT NOW – especiallyContinue reading "Preparing Your Business For The Holidays"