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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Build, Grow, Start

Diversifying Your Revenue Streams with Kelly Ann Callaghan

Build Grow Start

In this episode of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am honored to have Kelly Ann Callaghan, who is a salon owner and spray tan specialist and educator. During the COVID-19 pandemic, salons worldwide have been shut down, and are still shut down in certain places. This means that salon owners are unable toContinue reading "Diversifying Your Revenue Streams with Kelly Ann Callaghan"

Build, Grow, Start

Content Creator Tips & Tools with Nicole Melton of Beauty Content Studio

Build Grow Start

In this special edition of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am honored to have Nicole Melton of Beauty Content Studio as my guest. Nicole is an incredibly talented digital content creator who helps women in the beauty industry create valuable content in order to grow their businesses. She reveals the steps you mustContinue reading "Content Creator Tips & Tools with Nicole Melton of Beauty Content Studio"

Build, Grow, Start

Corporate Employee To Fully Booked Biz Boss With Kelsey Speros of Pure Bliss Beautique

Build Grow Start

In this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am so happy to have one of my Lashpreneur Society Legends, Kelsey Speros, of Pure Bliss Beautique in Tampa, Florida. Kelsey shares her story of how she went from unhappy employee to owning her own, fully booked beauty business, despite the disruption fromContinue reading "Corporate Employee To Fully Booked Biz Boss With Kelsey Speros of Pure Bliss Beautique"

Build, Grow, Start

$20,000 in Sales During the Shutdown with Kendra Harris of Wildflower Beauty Bar

Build Grow Start

In this special addition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur show, I interview one of our Lashpreneur Society Legends, Kendra Harris of WildFlower Beauty Bar in Phoenix, AZ. She shares her incredible story of how she sold 20,000 in retail sales during the initial shutdown that took place during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Like many of us,Continue reading "$20,000 in Sales During the Shutdown with Kendra Harris of Wildflower Beauty Bar"