With so many different ways to market your business, trying to narrow down a couple of fool proof ways can leave your head absolutely SPINNING! Especially if you are new to the beauty industry. There are so many clever, and damn near effortless ways that you can easily market yourself and your business that willContinue reading "Getting Your First (or Next) 5 Clients"
Your mind is a powerful tool. Having a strong mindset is key for achieving the life and business success you want. We all have dreams. Whether we choose to allow ourself to see what’s possible for our life, or we hold ourselves back, play small, and live inside of our comfort zone… there’s one thingContinue reading "The Secret to Massive Growth in Your Business"
How should you start marketing your business? A new service? MOST business owners completely miss this crucial first step and skip straight to social media posting and asking friends and family to share with their friends that you’re in business… Before ANY OF THIS HAPPENS – you must do this ONE THING IN MARKETING FIRST – beforeContinue reading "The 1st Step in Marketing"
Welcome to part 4 of my Post Pandemic Recovery Series for running your beauty business Post Pandemic. Now that we’ve talked about mental health, safety precautions, reaching out to clients, and everything in-between… It’s time to talk about the importance of MARKETING YOURSELF! BUT HOW DO I EVEN BEGIN TO MARKET MYSELF AGAIN ONCE MYContinue reading "REBUILD – Part 4 of the Post Pandemic Recovery Series"