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Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Build, Grow, Start

Safety & Sanitation for Lash Artists with Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair

Build Grow Start

Lash safety. Something that should be talked about way more often than it is. Something ALL lash artists should be damn near experts on in order to protect themselves and their clients. But it seems that within our industry, it is something that is often swept under the rug.  Why is it that? How muchContinue reading "Safety & Sanitation for Lash Artists with Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair"

Build, Grow, Start

Entrepreneurs & Opportunities with Jill Heiligers-Peloquin of LashFX

Build Grow Start

It seems like just yesterday I was trying to remind you guys and myself that this situation is TEMPORARY. That it will get better & it won’t last forever. And suddenly – I blinked and now some states have began reopening, and businesses will soon follow. So, what now? What is the beauty industry goingContinue reading "Entrepreneurs & Opportunities with Jill Heiligers-Peloquin of LashFX"


Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews

Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews

Attracting new lash clients goes beyond just handing out leaflets, posting pretty photos on Instagram and adding a few hashtags to the bottom of your posts. If you really want to drive more leads to your business, consider incorporating SEM (Search Engine Marketing) into your digital marketing strategy. I’ll be honest, I’m not an expertContinue reading "Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews"