The Corona Virus seems to have everyone in an absolute state of PANIC. But perpetuating the fear and adding to the madness is not going to help ANYBODY or ANYTHING – including your business. So stay clam and read on… Why is The Corona Virus going to affect the lash industry? Our suppliers come fromContinue reading "Addressing Coronavirus and How to Prepare Your Lash Business"
What is Business Coaching and The Lashpreneur Society?

If you’re new here or you’ve been waiting on the edge of your seat for our doors to re-open for a while and you want to learn more about The Lashpreneur Society, you’ve come to the right place. Registration for new members is only open a few times a year and I’m going toContinue reading "What is Business Coaching and The Lashpreneur Society?"
Ahhh – one of the great joys of being a lash artist… TROLLS! WHAT IS IMPOSTER SYNDROME AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Something I feel like lash artists often have to deal with is trolls. People who tell you that you should not be doing something because you aren’t good enough, people who are hatingContinue reading "Imposter Syndrome is REAL"
Ahhh – one of the most controversial topics in our industry… 100% coverage! So, does it make sense to cover 100% of the natural lashes? And why does it matter? There is a common belief that lash artists should be getting 100% coverage when applying extensions. By definition this means that every single natural lash shouldContinue reading "To Lash 100% Coverage or Not"