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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow


What is “Value” on Instagram?

What is "Value" on Instagram?

  Ah, Instagram…an infinite pool of selfies, posh meal posts, and cute puppies, am I right?   Actually, Instagram is so much more than that. When used correctly, Instagram can help your lash business thrive. You just need to figure out how to leverage the giant social media platform for business and the good newsContinue reading "What is “Value” on Instagram?"


What is The Lashpreneur Society?

What is The Lashpreneur Society?

  If you’re new here or you’ve been waiting on the edge of your seat for our doors to re-open for a while and you want to learn more about The Lashpreneur Society, you’ve come to the right place.   Registration for new members is only open a few times a year and I’m goingContinue reading "What is The Lashpreneur Society?"


To Work on Other Artists Work or Not?

To Work on Other Artists' Work or Not?

Is it okay to work on another lash artist’s work? This is a question I see pop up inside lash forums time and time again. A simple scroll through the answers and you’ll see a heated debate where everybody has a VERY strong opinion of whether it’s “right” or “wrong” to work on another artistsContinue reading "To Work on Other Artists Work or Not?"