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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow


Behind The Scenes at The Lashpreneur – Part 1

Behind The Scenes at The Lashpreneur Part 1

Although I love helping lash artists start, build and grow a thriving lash business, sometimes I like to get real with you guys about things going on in my personal life. Unfortunately, it can’t be sunny with clear blue skies every day of the week. Sometimes, it rains and other times, those showers turn intoContinue reading "Behind The Scenes at The Lashpreneur – Part 1"


Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews

Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews

Attracting new lash clients goes beyond just handing out leaflets, posting pretty photos on Instagram and adding a few hashtags to the bottom of your posts. If you really want to drive more leads to your business, consider incorporating SEM (Search Engine Marketing) into your digital marketing strategy. I’ll be honest, I’m not an expertContinue reading "Google Ads Strategy with SEM Expert Deirdre Andrews"


My Biggest Takeaway from Coaching in Australia

My Biggest Takeaway from Coaching in Australia

I recently found myself coaching down under for a conference for Lash Vision Leaders with my good friend and fellow lashpreneur, Kimberley Haworth. Lash Vision Leaders is the cream of the crop of Australian business owners looking to set some regulations and standards for lash artists in Australia. At the moment, it’s an unregulated industryContinue reading "My Biggest Takeaway from Coaching in Australia"


Balancing Your Lash Obsession with Having a Life

Balancing Your Lash Obsession with Having a Life

Do you find it difficult to balance work with actually having a personal life? I hear you. As business owners, we’re always thinking about the next thing we need to do to keep the business moving forward. But the problem is that we can become so addicted to the ‘hustle,’ that we don’t have timeContinue reading "Balancing Your Lash Obsession with Having a Life"