Behind the Scenes of a Massively Successful Product Line with Lindy Williams of EBL Lashes

Do you have a favorite adhesive you reach for every time you do lashes? Or, maybe you dream of starting your own successful lash product line someday? Whatever the case, I’m sure you’ve heard about my guest on this episode because she’s making waves in the lash industry that have reached far and wide! That’sContinue reading "Behind the Scenes of a Massively Successful Product Line with Lindy Williams of EBL Lashes"
How to Afford More Trainings to Further your Lash Business

As lash artists and lashpreneurs, most of us are no strangers to taking the occasional training course, as we know making sure we can afford trainings can help to further our careers. It’s pretty much a ‘must-do’ in our industry, which is still relatively new with updated products, techniques, educators and everything in-between being released allContinue reading "How to Afford More Trainings to Further your Lash Business"
Overcoming Overanalyzing and How to Make Better Decisions

Are you living life by your decisions or are you living life by default? Do you constantly wonder how you can make better decisions? I’ll be the first to admit that I used to be an overanalyzer. And, I would meticulously think through every scenario before making a decision. I’d weigh up my optionsContinue reading "Overcoming Overanalyzing and How to Make Better Decisions"
When Should You Raise Your Prices?

Most lashpreneurs will inevitably reach the stage in their business when they need to consider raising their prices. But, how can you raise your prices? And, when do you know it’s the right time to increase them? A problem that I see time and time again with lash artists and business owners is aContinue reading "When Should You Raise Your Prices?"