How to (gulp) Fire a Client

They teach you a lot in “lash school,” but do you know what they don’t teach you? How to fire a client. You’re left to figure that little gem out for yourself. That is, unless you’ve landed on this page, in which case, welcome to your free lesson on how to fire a client! ButContinue reading "How to (gulp) Fire a Client"
Time Management Hacks for Busy Lashpreneurs

Time. You can’t buy it, but you’re always spending it. Time is a finite resource. We can’t get more of it, no matter how hard we try. But, we can learn to make the most out of our time, so we’re prioritizing the things in our life that are the most important to us. HowContinue reading "Time Management Hacks for Busy Lashpreneurs"
How many times this week have you said, “I’m fine”? Or, maybe the question I should be asking is how many times you’ve said, “I’m fine” and meant it? When someone asks how you are, and you reply with ‘fine,’ it’s obvious that you’re really not fine. Who is ever just ‘fine’? It’sContinue reading "‘I’m Fine’ Coma Training"
Whether you love ‘em or loathe ‘em, you’ve got to have policies. And, you’ve got to stick to them. Without clear policies in place, your clients (and their mother) will just walk all over you. Why? Well, it’s because you let them. In this Q&A episode, I answer the simple question,Continue reading "How Do You Stick to Your Policies?"