Is it just me or is there more people cradling their ‘post-holiday financial hangover’ this year than ever? You know…that thing people do when they tighten their purse strings following the holiday season. The magic has worn off. And, the cold realization that money doesn’t grow on trees settles in for a lot of us.Continue reading "The Big F Word… FAILURE!"
Do you remember the warm, fuzzy feeling you had when you first stood up and declared – I’M GOING TO START MY OWN LASH BUSINESS! It was like something clicked inside of you. Suddenly, all of the little puzzle pieces of your life came together perfectly. You discovered your true calling in life, and itContinue reading "How Do You Avoid Lashpreneur Burn Out?"
Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn how to grow a thriving lash business from scratch? Wouldn’t it be even better if you could learn from someone who has been where you are now and found a way to go from ‘overlooked to fully booked’? Say no more! I’ve heard your pleas,Continue reading "Lashpreneur Legends Spotlight featuring Manuela Ramirez"
Your mind is a powerful tool. Having a strong mindset is key for achieving the life and business success you want. But, so many people are not the driver in their life. They (either knowingly or unknowingly) are the backseat passenger of their life. So, which one are you? The driver or the passenger? You’reContinue reading "The Mindset That’s Costing You Major Success"