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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Build, Grow

How to Get More Clients

How to Get More Clients
Build Grow

The #1 question I get asked time and time again is, “How can I get more clients?” And when I say, ‘time and time again,’ I mean multiple times a day. But, I get it. The most challenging part of running a lash business is getting people to pay you for it. In this episodeContinue reading "How to Get More Clients"

Build, Grow, Start

7 Reasons Why Running a Lash Business is Friggin Awesome!

7 Reasons Why Running a Lash Business is Friggin Awesome!
Build Grow Start

  I’m going to get real honest with you…having your very own lash business is friggin awesome! There’s something incredibly fulfilling and satisfying about being your own boss and running your own business. For one thing, nobody is peering over your shoulder or tutting at your handy work. Plus, you don’t have to answer toContinue reading "7 Reasons Why Running a Lash Business is Friggin Awesome!"

Build, Grow

3 Steps to Lash Business Success

3 Steps to Lash Business Success
Build Grow

From the outside looking in, the lash industry can seem like a gold mine. But in reality, it takes a lot more than a lash course certificate to run a thriving lash business.  You might feel like you’re ready to take on your very own lash business with this new set of skills you’ve acquired,Continue reading "3 Steps to Lash Business Success"

Build, Grow

7 Ways to Increase Your Lash Speed Today

7 Ways to Increase Your Lash Speed Today
Build Grow

Have you heard of the age-old saying that time is money? I bet you have. In fact, you’ve probably heard it so many times that it’s lost all meaning! The concept that time is money (also known as the ‘opportunity cost’) dates back to Benjamin Franklin’s 1748 essay, “Advice to a Young Tradesman”, where heContinue reading "7 Ways to Increase Your Lash Speed Today"