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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Build, Grow, Start

Finding Your Purpose and Passion thru 3 Key Influences

Eyelash Extension Business
Build Grow Start

It takes having 3 Key Influences in your life to help clarify and discover your purpose: The Mentor, The Role Model, and The Backbone.

Build, Grow

Got a Need for Speed? Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Lashing Speed

Lashing Speed
Build Grow

Disclaimer: Let me preface this entire blog by stating lashing is a marathon, not a sprint. What we do is an art and our craft. If you’re trying to increase your speed just for the sake of saying you can “do a full set in an hour”, then the advice in this blog is not meant for you. Never sacrifice quality, artistry and lash health for the sake of time. This post is meant to address the common, time-sucking habits that many lash artists struggle with.

Build, Grow, Start

Why Adding More Services to Your Menu is Not Going to Save Your Business

added services, lash business, lash business coaching
Build Grow Start

Adding more services to your menu thinking it will save your business and create more demand for you and your lash business is a lie a lot of lash artists tell themselves. I call this the “Trying to have a baby to save a marriage” mindset.

Build, Grow

Client Expectations Vs Reality: Have you Met the Mark?

client expectation
Build Grow

Want a little insider’s tip? What YOU are putting out there from the second they first interact with your business (usually online) is already setting their expectation of the type of service and experience they would receive if they decide to book an appointment with you.