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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Grow, Videos

Lash Biz Tip: Continuing Education

Grow Videos

<iframe width=”568″ height=”319″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe> Wanna know how you get better at something? You keep learning! If you’re ever feeling burnt out on lashing or you’re questioning if you’re really cut out for this industry…don’t quit! You just need to commit to learning more, push yourself out of your comfort zone and beContinue reading "Lash Biz Tip: Continuing Education"

Grow, Start

A Series on Discounting: Do’s and Dont’s Part 3

Grow Start

DON’T #3- Confuse your Money Issues with that of Client’s Most lash artists who are just starting out aren’t exactly rolling in the Benjamin’s ($100 bills here in the US) and thus are desperate for cash flow to keep the doors open and food on the table. We can’t always relate to a “higher end” clientele whereContinue reading "A Series on Discounting: Do’s and Dont’s Part 3"