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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Categories: Grow

Grow, Start

A Series on Discounting: Do’s and Dont’s Part 2

Grow Start

 DON’T #2- Discounting to Stay Competitive Unless you plan on being the cheapest in town, and thus run your business into the ground, don’t even think about competing on price. Franchise Lash Business Insight: Just because you see an “amazing lash place” offering $79 for a full set, don’t think you need to knock your full setContinue reading "A Series on Discounting: Do’s and Dont’s Part 2"

Grow, Videos

Raising Your Prices

Grow Videos

<iframe width=”568″ height=”319″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe> Did ya miss my face? Well hopefully it’s back to business as usual ?? ok Lash Biz Tip: if you’re not anticipating a drop in clientele with an increase in price, you’re going to panic when clients just can’t/won’t continue with you due to the price change.Continue reading "Raising Your Prices"

Grow, Start

A Series on Discounting: Do’s and Don’ts Part 1

Grow Start

DON’T #1-  Discounts here, Discounts There, Discounts EVERYWHERE Listen here Oprah of the Lash World, I’m going to bet you don’t have the financial luxury to give everyone a “new car” or a “new set of lashes”. “You get a discount, and you get a discount and YOU GET A DISCOUNT”. I’m all for payingContinue reading "A Series on Discounting: Do’s and Don’ts Part 1"