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Coaching Corner on Figuring Out What’s Next in Your Career With Hailey Barber of FACEShealthyskinandlashes

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

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Burn out as a business owner is real! It’s also totally fixable and temporary! I recently had a Lashpreneur reach out to me to share her struggle with burn out and figuring out “What’s Next” for her and her business cause she was kind of just – stuck.

Today’s podcast Coaching Corner guest is Hailey Barber of FACES – Healthy Skin and Lashes of Gillette, WY and she asked:

“I need help with transitioning from being a solo lash artist. I love lashing but I’m ready to find out what’s next for me. I’ve been lashing for 9 years and I’m so burned out. But also completely obsessed with lashes and my clients. I’ve built and awesome clientele and a great life, it’s freaking me out that it’s no longer satisfying me. I would love to possibly head in the direction of trainings or just showing other women how to make money! I also find myself so jealous of women who get to work from home and hang out with their children. Or stay at home moms. But I also LOVE MAKING MONEY. Help 😅 PS , I’m obsessed with you and your podcast. Implementing your teachings have taken our business to a whole new level of success in a short amount of time. Thank you Tara!”

Well we got Hailey some major clarity on what her ultimate vision is and started to develop a kick ass idea on how her love for empowering women, serving others, her obsession with lashes and travel could all tie together in an EPIC way that she is now crazy excited and motivated to start working towards! If you want in on what Hailey is planning on creating in the future – you can reach out to her on Instagram at

Here are some highlights of my coaching convo with Hailey:

  • [9:25] The importance of asking yourself, “what is fulfilling and rewarding to me?”
  • [11:13] Hailey’s definition of success
  • [13:42] The first thing Tara teaches inside The Lashpreneur Society
  • [24:38] Tara gives Hailey a business model idea/plan
  • [35:46] The importance of documenting and planning

If you would like to be a guest on an upcoming episode of the Lessons of a Lashpreneur show and get business coaching with me – we invite you to apply here: and a member of our team will reach out to you if you’re selected for our next round of Coaching Corner guests!
