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Do You Have the Passion For Lashing?

Posted inBuild, Start

Here’s a scenario I’ve come across a couple of times: “I’ve tried Instagram and Facebook. I’ve done Groupon and discounts. I have a referral program and a website. But I still can’t seem to build a clientele, what am I doing wrong?”.

All of it? None of it? It’s hard to troubleshoot these types of messages about why your current marketing is not working without diving into the strategies and approaches you’re currently using. However, one commonality I find a lot of these lash artists struggle with is that they don’t publicly portray any pride or excitment in the services they provide.

Example Instagram Fail #1: Dark, blurred photo where the lashes can barely be seen against a shadow and you’re staring right up the clients’ nose. The caption reads “Before and After.” Then followed by a bunch of random and generic hashtags like #lashes and #followforfollow and #blink


Example Instagram Fail #2: This photo is of the client’s eyes closed, taped up to high hell, with dabs of adhesive all over the eyepad. There is no caption, just a smattering of hashtags.

Well that was underwhelming akin to eating a stale Saltine cracker. Maybe their Facebook page is the saving grace…let’s head on over there to check out these “boosted posts”.

Example Facebook Fail: Caption Reads “50% off full sets. Appointments available now. Text 888-555-1212 to book your full set. $50 deposit required. New Clients only.” The photo is a close up of the eyes looking straight up causing the eyes to bulge.

Yikes, ok, that was probably a waste of FB ad money. Let’s see if the website at least has a speck of pride and joy in the services she offers.

Example Website Fail:

1). First thing you see on the website is photos of her lash work, ok that’s a start. Quality of the photos are poor, but at least she’s making an attempt at displaying her work.

2). Next you see her logo and a lengthy “About Me” section starting with how much passion she has for lashing, followed by a detailed description about her 5-year history in the skincare field (relevance?),

3). A rambling description of how she strives to provide the best customer service and lashes possible.

4). The last part of her one page website is her service menu in bullet points followed by her cancellation and no-show policies which take a few scrolls of the thumb to get thru.

Anybody else see a problem with this marketing picture? Is anybody guilty of this tragic excuse for a marketing plan?

For those who “have tried everything” to market their services and aren’t seeing results, there’s often a huge disconnect between the result you’re hoping to achieve (i.e. client’s knocking down your door because they have to have what you offer) and the marketing message you’re putting out there (yawn, snooze and boring content).


Don’t tell me you’re passionate about doing lashes and making women feel beautiful and then only post about policies, appointments and hashtags. I want to feel your excitement and fulfillment for what you do with every in person and online experience I have with your business.

Dare I say that what you are putting out there in the world to market your lash business might be boring, uninspiring and flat out worthless?

Ask yourself “would someone know I love what I do and the services I offer based on the marketing I am putting out there on a regular basis?”  You don’t have to know everything about how to market your lash business right off the bat (hello, that’s what The Lashpreneur Group Coaching Program is for …shameless plug), but you do need to start with an ounce of joy and excitement about your craft. If you’re not passionate about doing lashes (and the bug doesn’t bite everyone) at least start to fake that energy in what you present to your potential clients or it’ll be like pulling teeth to get a single client interested in what you do.

The takeaway I want you to have after reading this blog is that it’s ok to be excited about the services you offer, the price you charge, the education and products you geek out on and share that with the world. You may not be the best of the best (and there’s so few who are out there), but you can have a passion and find joy in what you do and share that with the world. Nobody wants to pay for Debbie-Downer who sucks the life out of the room and doesn’t share in your excitement for how beautiful their eyes look after a lash appointment.

Gut Check: Does your marketing reflect the joy and passion you have for lashin?

Have a Good One,

Tara Walsh, The Lashpreneur

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