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Merry Christmas…in October? Your Lash Business Holiday Planning Tips

Find Your Passion and Pursue Greatness

Posted inBuild, Grow

How do you discover what is your greatest passion and purpose so you can truly experience your life to the fullest extent? You hear a lot about following your passion, pursuing greatness from great people like Gary Vaynerchuk, or, you know… Beyonce. It seems like that’s the secret sauce to having a fulfilling life and a business or career that you love.

The truth is that success does not have a cookie cutter formula. And for that reason, I believe that there is a type of internal assessment that one has to go through.

I have three questions for you that may help you get clarity when looking for your true passion and pursuing greatness.

1). What would you do with your life whether you were paid well for it or not?

When you take money out of the equation things can become clearer quite faster than you can imagine.

Being an entrepreneur is an uphill battle. It’s not easy, it takes time, there are tons of learning curves. And the hard truth is that just because you are a skilled lash artist doesn’t mean you’re destined to be a business owner or will find the same passion for running a business as you do for your artistry.

So, ask yourself this question before starting out on your journey. If money wasn’t an issue what would you love to do for the rest of your life?

When you enjoy what you do it, it no longer seems like it’s work.

Some of us were born to lead, others were born to get their paychecks, vacation, retirement plans handed to them, but not worry about the growing pains or struggle of being all. the. things. No matter what success looks like to you, it’s important that you are true to your passions and dreams and do not follow the “Traditional Lash Artist Career Path” if that path leads you further away from your vision for your dream life. Put your blinders on and ignore what everybody else is doing and follow your heart.

2). What do you think about all the time? What are you passionate about?

Is there something in your life that you cannot stop talking about? Something that you annoy your friends and family with by talking excessively about it.

For me, I geeked out on marketing, podcasts about online and in person marketing, webinars, social media marketing, blogs, Facebook groups, you name it… I ate marketing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And after a year and a half of that, I started wanting to implement the things that I was learning from the digital marketers I had become a student of, even though I didn’t have a digital business at the time I fell in love with the idea of running an online business. Subconsciously, I was being polished to become an online business and marketing coach for artists just like me. Hence the Lashpreneur was born. 

3). Can you see past your current circumstances to where you want to be?

I am going to repeat myself here because it is super important that you understand this:

Entrepreneurship is not a walk in the park. Over 40% of businesses fail within two years of opening their doors to the public. That’s a significant percentage of entrepreneurs trying out their dreams, risking it all, in the pursuit of what they believe in.

When I first started my lash business, it wasn’t easy. In fact, fear ruled my everyday life.

Some of you are currently in that “struggle” phase, barely making ends meet. But, if you manage to wake up the next morning, feeling refreshed, invigorated, eager to learn more, practice more, be more in what you are doing, then most likely you are heading down the right path, it’s just going to take some more time, experience, and refinement of your business skills. Risks are part of the entrepreneurial game. And so are downfalls, tears, and wanting to quit and go back to the security of working for someone else. ALL NORMAL.

Perhaps you’ve been arguing with your significant other due to financial stress, or family members don’t really take what you are doing seriously and they are asking you when are you going to start “looking for a job”. If those things hurt, but not enough for you to give up, then you know you’re living in your purpose!.

Don’t let someone else set the expectations or limitations of what you can and cannot do. Find the right people in your life to support and encourage you to PURSUE GREATNESS.

Don’t let their small goals prevent you from aggressively hunting down your dreams.

And, if you think that being a lash artist and a business owner is that passion and purpose for you OR you’re looking into the next steps in your lashpreneur legacy, then we encourage you to join 100s of your fellow Lashpreneurs inside of The Lashpreneur Society, our group business coaching program to help you START, BUILD, and GROW a thriving lash business on your own terms. Get on our waitlist to be notified of our next open enrollment at

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