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Safety & Sanitation for Lash Artists with Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Lash safety. Something that should be talked about way more often than it is. Something ALL lash artists should be damn near experts on in order to protect themselves and their clients. But it seems that within our industry, it is something that is often swept under the rug. 

Why is it that? How much does your everyday lash artist REALLY need to know about the chemicals and materials that she’s using? 

The answer is… EVERYTHING. 

In this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur show I am honored to have Jenelle Paris of Lash Affair to discuss all things lash safety. This episode includes need-to-know tips when it comes to lash safety, why it’s important, and how you could be getting yourself into some major trouble by not following certain guidelines. Additionally, we debunk some common myths surrounding adhesive and which ones you should believe vs. which ones you definitely should NOT! 

Jenelle and I teamed up to give you guys 15% off all Lash Affair products and courses. Act now & use code LASHP15 at checkout. Head to to take advantage of this opportunity for a limited time only!