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How to Get More Clients

How to Get More Clients

Posted inBuild, Grow

The #1 question I get asked time and time again is, “How can I get more clients?

And when I say, ‘time and time again,’ I mean multiple times a day.

But, I get it. The most challenging part of running a lash business is getting people to pay you for it.

In this episode of Lessons of a Lashpreneur, I put you out of your misery and shed some light on how you can get more clients – and keep them coming!

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Or read on…}

The first step you NEED to take to start reeling in more customers is simple.

You have a business. So, talk about it!

You’ve got to talk about your business to anyone who will listen. Honestly, this was my biggest ‘ah hah!’ moment of the year, and it changed everything.

The best part?

It didn’t cost me a thing!

When I was ready to relaunch my coaching program, I committed myself to show up online to talk about it for the five days it was open.

I didn’t let any self-criticizing thoughts get in the way. I pushed that nagging little voice to the back of my mind and I did what I had to do. I talked about my business. I answered people’s questions. And, most importantly, I was me.

As a result, we more than tripled the membership in that group over an entire year. I used to struggle to get more than 70 members. But over that five-day period where I opened up and talked about my business, we added 290 new members!

Talking about your business is one of the best ways to market yourself.

If you don’t talk about your business… who will?

Here are a few ways you can talk about your business in a way that’s going to get you more clients:

1. Social Media

Remember, your personal and business account are two separate things. You can post a cute pic of your lash work on your personal account with a heart emoji, and the likes and comments will flood in. But, if you tried posting something passive like that on your business account, you’ll hear nothing but chirping crickets.

The reason for the deafening silence is because you don’t have the same personal connection with the followers of your business account as you do with your friends and family on your personal account.

You have to work on developing relationships with your followers.

Don’t hide from them! Show the human side of your business. Be interesting. Be educational. Be fun. Be unapologetically you.

Passive posting isn’t enough. You’ve got to post high-quality photos with excellent lighting along with engaging captions. And always try your best to respond to comments. Make someone’s day a little better. Inspire them when you can and be more conversational with your followers and clients.

Get strategic with social media. Talk about how awesome lashes are. Ask questions. Provide answers. Start talking about the fantastic world of lashes and your business!

2. Talk about your Referral Program

Have a referral program?

Talk about it!

One of the main reasons why anyone has a referral program is to encourage clients to go out and spread the message about how amazing your business is to their friends and family. But, if you’re not telling anyone about your referral program, you may as well not have it!

Another thing to remember is that you’ve got to make your referral program worth talking about. It’s got to be so tempting that people can’t help but talk about it.

Think about what will make your clients excited to spread the word.

Whether that’s offering a discount or a referral bonus, give your clients an incentive that they’ll love. Then, prepare yourself for the flood of clients that will start pouring through your doors!

3. Online & In-Person Marketing

It’s a terrible business strategy to focus on just one marketing channel. Don’t put all of your marketing eggs in one basket!

To have a stable, profitable business, you need multiple marketing platforms such as:

  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Paid Ads
  • Referrals
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Events

If you rely too heavily on one platform to support your business, you’re playing a very dangerous game of lashing roulette. All it takes is one change to the algorithm to turn your whole world upside down.

Having multiple ways to market your business gives you a solid foundation and a stable business.

If you want to take this seriously and really grow your client base, you’ve got to get strategic about your marketing.

Who’s in front of your ideal clients? Can you figure out a way that you can work with them?

What are your client’s concerns about lashes? How can you address their objections and keep them focused on the result?

When are your clients online? When are your clients on the market for lashes?

Thinking about questions like this and focusing on the answers will help you to set up a powerful marketing plan.



Why is Marketing so Important

Marketing is an absolute non-negotiable in your business. So, you need to be a student of marketing and practice it. You didn’t become amazing at lashes or volume overnight, did you?

Marketing isn’t an overnight thing either. You have to work at it.

You have to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t work. You have to stay up to date on where potential clients are going to look for you… cause if you’re not there… your competition is!

If you’re needing help in creating a business that gives you endless possibilities and you want to be surrounded by like-minded women who are fearless in their pursuit of big dreams, I invite you to join the waitlist for my group coaching program called The Lashpreneur Society. We only open the doors a couple times a year, so save your seat now by clicking here >>> 

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur