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How to Grow Your Business to The Next Level With Momentum Mastermind Member Danielle Todd

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

What got you HERE, won’t get you THERE.

What does that mean? Whatever you’ve done to grow your beauty business up to this point has allowed you to get to where you are today, but to get you to the next level – you’ll need to do MORE.

That’s exactly what we’re talking about on today’s episode with Momentum Mastermind Member Danielle Todd. She has been a business owner with a team for 7 years already, and while she felt the business was doing well – she also knew it was capable of doing more.

She realized that she didn’t know all the steps and processes involved in growing her business to the next level – and she needed help. She needed someone to show her how to get there.

Other masterminds she attended failed to teach her how to understand the data of her business and where her attention needed to be focused. And although her business is profitable – and she’s on track to make over $200k in revenue this year – she still has some money-mindset issues to work through.

This is actually not uncommon in beauty business owners – they put every dollar back into their business thinking that’s the right thing to do. Or they feel “greedy” for taking a cut for themselves. If the thought of paying yourself or making “more” money also stirs up feelings of guilt or fears of being too greedy – that’s a limiting belief you need to work through sis!

That’s why today I’m sharing the INCOME vs IMPACT philosophy that helped me in my own business.

Episode Highlights:

  •  Diving into data and understanding what data to look at and where to look.
  •  How to combat a negative money-mindset and find the balance between paying yourself and investing back into the business.
  •  How Danielle’s business has changed over the last 6 months of the program.
  •  The mindset that gets you to $100k in sales is not the same mindset that will get you to six figures and beyond.

Stop trading YOUR time for money and ENJOY growing your business without growing your time spent in it! 

If you have a team and you’re ready to create a well oiled machine that works WITH or WITHOUT you in it… I want to invite you to join me on one of my upcoming “Build A Team and Live Your Dream” calls! 

 In this call, we’ll go over: 

  • What does a business need to grow beyond the time/energy capacity of the owner.
  • The #1 block multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses face and how to overcome it! 
  • Why working IN your business is costing you tens of thousands of dollars (or more!)
  • Why your team is struggling to see you as an effective leader.
  • How to double or triple your business in the next year without double or tripling your time spent in it! 

There are only two calls left! Register for an upcoming class here: