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How to Run a Business When You Don’t Have Enough Time

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

The source of overwhelm in your business, or even life in general, is time.

Think of something that feels heavy, overwhelming or stressful. Chances are the reason it feels that way is because of the timeline you have associated to it.

For example – I thought after being in business for 6 months, I’d have more clients than this. After being in business for 6 months, I thought that I would have a more steady income. I thought after my kid went to school, I’d have more time in my day to accomplish my goals.

You created these timelines for yourself, and now that you haven’t accomplished them, you’re stressed, disappointed, and discouraged. 

TIME IS A THIEF – It will rob you of your progress, your results and your joy IF YOU LET IT. The key is to not let it! Believe it or not, YOU ARE 100% in control of your time. Time is just an illusion that our brain will assign a value to. 

When you say “I don’t have enough time to work ON my business” that is a choice you are making!

You have the same amount of time as EVERYONE ELSE. We are all on a level playing field. But you are choosing to prioritize other things in your life besides your business. So the real excuse is that you are putting other things before your business and not MAKING enough time to work on your business. 

If you don’t change, nothing will change. If you fight for your circumstances, you will continue to live by them.

If you choose to see your lack of time as the reason you can’t do something – you’re operating from a victim mentality. That time is outside of your control. But we’ve just gone through how that is NOT the case. That YOU are in control of where your time is spent.

So OWN it. Stop playing victim to it.  For my society members who have either cancelled or complained they haven’t had time to use the program you pay for – what are you expecting to change in your life if you don’t? Perhaps the reason you don’t have the business you want is because you’re
unwilling to change. You’re unwilling to evolve.

 So how do we stop living from our circumstances and start living from our possibilities?

We start to challenge our beliefs! We look at the reasons as to why we believe that we are a victim to time. What fear is keeping you stuck? Are you afraid you’ll fail? Are you afraid it’s not perfect? Are you afraid of the judgement of others? WHO CARES! Why the hell do you care what a stranger thinks? 

Your dreams are WORTH fighting for. Your dreams are WORTH YOUR TIME to pursue.

I have a free resource to share with you on how I manage my time and still manage to grow my business, raise a family and cook dinner – most nights! It’s my top 10 time management hacks for lashpreneurs and you can download it for free at