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If You're Doing This, You're Running Your Business WRONG

If You’re Doing This, You’re Running Your Business WRONG

Posted inGrow

Are you too worn out, overwhelmed and even scared to work on your business and not just in it?

I get it. Believe me when I say I’ve been there too. Having days where you just want to quit and find an easier way to make a living is normal.

I have never met a single successful business owner (from any industry) who hasn’t had a few “I want to quit” moments in their careers.

Sometimes moments like this come and go and other times, they pitch tents and settle in for the long-haul. Nonetheless, thoughts about quitting are pretty normal, especially for entrepreneurs because for many of us, entrepreneurship is just not natural. It can be an uphill battle every single day.

However, just because you’re not naturally inclined to be an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you can’t find success.

It starts by identifying what you need to do to improve and what you need to stop doing too.

So, here’s a rundown of top tips from successful entrepreneurs. They’ve been there, done that and come out on the other side more successful and happier than ever.

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}


1. Set Healthy business boundaries 

Are you tired of “the hustle”?

You know, the constant grind that everyone tells you is necessary if you want to make it. Some of you may spend a few years or even decades hustling and for what? Every time you reach the next stage in your business, you’ve already got your eyes set on the next step up.

So, you hustle some more, and you justify all of the work you’re doing by saying something along the lines of, “If I just hustle some more, then I’ll be successful.”

NEWS FLASH – the hustle never ends.

The hustle will burn you out before you ever reach success.

Think about it…if working harder than everyone else guarantees success, wouldn’t you already have the results you’re striving for?

Even if hard work and long hours did mean success, is that really want you want? I don’t know about you, but I didn’t sign up to be an entrepreneur to work 24 hours a day. I signed up to be an entrepreneur so I could work fewer hours and have unlimited income potential.

If you don’t want to work every waking minute of your life, you need to set healthy business boundaries that ensure you give yourself time with your family, friends and doing the things you love besides running a business.


2. Establish the “Be-Do-Have” model

If you’ve never heard of this term before, it is a goal-setting model that forces you to get clear about what you want, why you want it and what you need to do to get it.

It teaches that to be the successful version of yourself that you see in your head, you have to start being that person now.

Even if things are nowhere near good enough, you have to approach life and your business as if you already have the level of success that you want.

Most people think that they need to have the success first to know what to do to be successful. However, they’ve got it all wrong. Let’s say that you want to hire someone to help with your social media marketing. The problem is that you have to become a successful marketer first to know how to create a successful marketing strategy.

If you don’t know how to create demand for your products and services, how can you expect someone else to swoop in and instantly know how to market your business?

Real-life CEO’s don’t hire someone to solve a problem, they hire someone to execute the solution to a problem.

And, the solution comes from YOU.


3. Make time to focus on things that will move your business forward

How many hours a day do you spend on social media?

It’s easy to let ourselves get swept up in our newsfeeds or doing other things just to avoid actually working. However, you have a finite amount of time to work. Your energy needs to be put in things that will help drive your business forward. Things that will produce real results and revenue so that you can support your family and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

All of those hours you spend scrolling through social media are an epic waste of time. Establish boundaries around social media NOW. Not later, not tomorrow, not in the distant future – NOW!

You need to create a balance where you’re on social media for business but you’re not spending all day on it. If you want to be present in the moment, you really can’t do that with a phone in your hand 24/7.

As the CEO of your business, your time needs to be spent working on the business and not just in it.

You need to invest your time in things that will drive your business forward. And, sitting on social media for most of the day isn’t going to get you or your business anywhere fast.

Hiring staff isn’t always the answer either. As, when you hire staff, you don’t automatically get more time back. You can’t just give them your clients so that you can sit back with a cocktail in hand. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.

You need to train your staff so that they become wonderful lash artists. You need a team who want to improve their skills and work for you and have that stable income they want from traditional employment.

Sign-Up for “Your Best Year EVER”

If you want a business that lights you up inside and makes you genuinely excited and happy to go to work every day and live the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of, you’ve got to be that ‘successful’ version of yourself TODAY.

And that my friends, is why we’re bringing back our most popular video workshop series called Your Best Year EVER and it kicks off September 23rd 2019. So, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Inside of this FREE video workshop series, I’ll be teaching you:

  • Where you should focus in working ON your business so you can stop wasting time on the activities that aren’t going to move your business forward which should get you forward momentum in your biz
  • How to make more money in your lash business and which money-making method is where you should be spending your time and energy based on what level your business is at
  • The lash artist path to success and what are the step by steps to building a business you love

Sound good? The #1 way you can do all of this easier, faster and with a lot less stress is to sign up for our waitlist to be notified of when registration opens up for this free workshop at

Have a good one!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur