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I’m Fine Coma Training

‘I’m Fine’ Coma Training

Posted inGrow, Start

How many times this week have you said, “I’m fine”?


Or, maybe the question I should be asking is how many times you’ve said, “I’m fine” and meant it?


When someone asks how you are, and you reply with ‘fine,’ it’s obvious that you’re really not fine. Who is ever just ‘fine’? It’s such a cop-out answer.


When you say you’re fine, it’s because you want the problem to go away. You’d rather put on a pair of imaginary blackout glasses on so that you don’t have to see or deal with the problem.


Unfortunately, ignoring the issue isn’t going to address the problem. The more you try to ignore it, the more power it has over you. Eventually, the problem festers. Before you know it, you’ve got a much bigger issue to deal with.


If you’re taking the ‘I’m fine’ approach in your personal life, you’re probably doing it in your business too.


My business mentor calls this the “I’m fine coma.” It’s a blissfully unaware state of mind where you continue to get by utterly oblivious to how great you could be.


You’ve got to wake up from your deep slumber and start living the life that’s waiting for you. The life where your business is a success and you’re not struggling to get by or attract clients each day. The life that you know, deep down, was always meant to be yours.


In this bonus episode, I reveal how you can wake up from your “I’m fine coma” and start living the life, both personally and professionally, that you’ve always wanted.


{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}


Why do we resort to “I’m Fine”?

So many people choose to say they’re fine even when they’re not. You don’t have to be a business owner or a lashpreneur to relate to this one. Just think back to the last time somebody asked you how you were. Chances are, you gave a brief smile and said, “I’m fine.”

Maybe you are fine. Perhaps life is just motoring on, and you’re happy with the status quo as it is. You don’t have to do anything extra to be ‘fine.’ It doesn’t require your full attention. It doesn’t need much work. Fine is a comfortable, safe place to be. But, that’s all it is.

Fine isn’t fantastic. Fine isn’t successful. And, most importantly, fine isn’t happy.

If you’re okay with being fine, then continue on your merry way. But, if you want to live a life that’s better than just ‘fine,’ I salute you. It takes courage to step out of your status quo and go after what you really want out of life.

It’s easy to stay inside your ‘fine bubble’ and float through life. What’s hard is taking a pin and popping that bubble. Who knows where you’ll land? I certainly don’t. But what I do know is that you’ll be anything but fine. And, for what might be the first time in your life, that’ll be a very good place to be.


The mistake of making decisions based on fear

In business, you might be tempted to say you’re doing fine. You’re fine with not having as many clients as you hoped. You’re fine with scrounging for pennies in-between couch cushions on your lunch break. You’re fine with it all because what choice do you have?

I know how that feels. Back in the day, I paid $175 per month to have my ad featured on the corner of a website for a newspaper company that promised me at least 20 clicks a day. I jumped at the opportunity to get more eyes on my business because I was just starting out and was kind of desperate.

So, I dished out $175 a month over a six-month contract. I got at least 20 clicks a day as they promised. But, how many clients do you think I got from it?


I made a bad business decision out of fear. Fear that my business would fail. Fear that I wouldn’t be able to make enough money to pay my dad back for helping me buy the tools I needed to launch the business. Fear that I wouldn’t make enough money to feed my family.

It was a tough time. After three months, I waved the white flag. I had two choices. I could either quit and get a new job. Or, I needed to figure out a way to make my business work. I chose the latter.

I booked a 30-minute free consultation session with a business coach. She wasn’t cheap. It would cost me a further $1,500 for six coaching sessions. Not only did I not have that kind of cash lying around, but the spare cash I did have was funding the damn newspaper ad that wasn’t bringing me any custom whatsoever!

I came up with excuses to not buy her six-week program. And, do you know what she told me? She said…

“If you continue to fight for what you have, you’ll continue to get it. But, if you fight for what you want, there’s a possibility you might get that too.”

I knew she was right.

I had to choose what I was going to fight for. I could either keep spending all of my time and energy on the mindset that I would never get enough clients to grow my business and continue to live like that. Or, I could fight for what I wanted and work my ass off to make it happen.

What are you fighting for?

So, now it’s your turn. What are you fighting for?

There’s no reason why you can’t have a successful lash business. You might not have the skills, knowledge or empowerment to have that business right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ever have that business.

Stop thinking of failure as an option. Your fear is holding you back and will continue to do so until you stop letting it.

Ask yourself what your business would look like if you knew that it would be a success no matter what.

What decisions would you make in your business if that was the case?

If you had no fear, what decisions what you make in your business?

It’s time to shift your perspective to look at your business as a gift to your life, not a source of stress.

Stop settling for ‘fine’ and go after the business, the life that you’ve always wanted! I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again – remove failure from your vocabulary. If you can do that, you can do anything.

Want to find out more about marketing your lash business and building a clientele? I teach in-depth marketing strategies within my group coaching program, The Lashpreneur Society. Registration opens up for new members a few times a year, so you’ll want to sign up for our waitlist at to be the first in line to know when doors open again!

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur