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I’m Sneaking You into a Lashpreneur Society Coaching Call

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

In this week’s podcast episode I’m sneaking you into a recent Coaching + Coffee call that I host once a month inside of my group business coaching program for solo beauty biz owners, The Lashpreneur Society.

Inside of this episode – you’re hearing real life coaching conversations from my members and getting a feel for how we tackle marketing, growth strategies, overwhelm, goal planning and simplifying your business’ growth!

Here are some of this episode’s highlights:

  •  Member, Kimberly, asks if she should start planning holiday marketing now
  •  Member, Georgette, asks how she should structure her booth rental agreements so she can go on maternity leave!
  •  Member, Angela, is battling some major overwhelm and can’t figure out how to get more time back and quit her soul-sucking franchise job
  •  Member, Shelby, lost 6 out of her 16 clients last month and is freaking out about how to replace them

If you’re ready to take your business from Overlooked to Fully Booked and you want to join us inside of The Lashpreneur Society, you can get access to our group business coaching membership for $7 for 7 Days. Click here to learn more and get started: