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Blog cover for Episode 33 Lessons of a Lashpreneur Podcast

Is 6-figures Realistic as a SOLO Beauty Business Owner?

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

I DESPISE those infographics that state you can make $144,000 a year doing lashes! 

Just Google “Lash Artist Potential Earnings” and you’ll see the BS LIES I’m talking about.

Like – with an intense passion do I want to shake anyone who is being sold pure 💩 about making that kind of money. It’s the biggest lie that someone is telling you because THEY WANT YOUR money – not cause they care about you making that amount of income or setting you up for success to help you reach that revenue level.

In today’s episode…  

👉 Let’s talk about what’s REALISTIC about what one can make in our industry (six figures is POSSIBLE… just not how these infographics state it) 

👉 Why “Charge your Worth” and “Raise your Prices” is TERRIBLE advice from your industry peers 

👉 The ONLY FORMULA to know what your actual “worth” is as a beauty biz CEO. 

👉 The #1 skillset you need to learn to get to that “worth” 

Did you ever think to include vacation days in determining your price point before?

Most Lashpreneurs don’t – because they don’t plan for it!

Check out this episode to see just how you can PLAN to make six-figures in revenue AND not have to work 12 hour days, 6 days a week to get there!

If you want to get your hands on my FREE Formula To A Six Figure Beauty Biz Guide – head to  and find out how much YOU need to be charging to get to six figures in sales!