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REOPEN – Part 3 of the Post Pandemic Recovery Series

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Welcome to part 3 of my Post Pandemic Recovery Series for running your beauty business Post Pandemic. I know what you’re all thinking… After all this time off, I know I have to start marketing my biz, I know I have to start reaching out to clients….


Today’s episode is all about how to begin to REOPEN your beauty business AND MORE IMPORTANTLY… How to operate your business in a post-pandemic world. I discuss how to start getting those lash-hungry clients in the door while maintaining proper safety precautions.

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}

The New Normal  

 COVID-19 is not going away any time soon. So it’s time to start figuring out how to live with it. Below I have listed just a few of the things you can do in order to ensure the protection of you and your client. 

    • Require masks: Masks can minimize others from being exposed to the virus, not you from getting it. 
    • Use a face shield: Not required, but recommended. 
    • No bedding, or replace bedding after every client: It is possible that clients can bring their own blanket. Offer it as an option at the very least.
    • Change clothes after every appointment: This will help you avoid the spread of germs. 
    • Hand Sanitizer: Always have some readily available for you and your client. 
    • Disinfect everything: And I mean EVERYTHING. Be aware of the clients movement around your space. Understand your disinfectant so you can ensure you’re using it properly to kill off any germs or viruses
    • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose: This is just common sense! 

Covid-19 Specific Policies

Reevaluate your policies and ask yourself if they are in tune with our “new normal.”

Policies such as mask requirement, touchless payment, and lesser cancellation fees ( due to sickness) will likely serve you and your client well during this transition period. 

Revenue Streams & Expenses 

What was working before, may not work the same now. 

    • Optimize your menu and service offerings: Time to ditch those menu options that you only offer once in a blue moon. Utilize your menu to your benefit. 
    • Figure out what service is the most profitable for you: Since you will likely be operating at a lesser capacity, that means lesser amount of clients. Therefore, whatever service allows you to make the most money per hour, is the one you should be focusing on for now. 

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur