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Overcoming Overanalyzing and How to Make Better Decisions

Overcoming Overanalyzing and How to Make Better Decisions

Posted inGrow

Are you living life by your decisions or are you living life by default? Do you constantly wonder how you can make better decisions?


I’ll be the first to admit that I used to be an overanalyzer. And, I would meticulously think through every scenario before making a decision. I’d weigh up my options and go through every possible outcome with a fine-tooth comb.  


My superhero-like ability to foresee 10 steps ahead in every direction was something that I prided myself on. I mean, how many people can make so many accurate predictions about a single decision? Not many (I’ve done the math). 


Anyways, the analytical side of me and my ability to predict behaviors so accurately is actually what makes me such an effective and results driven business coach. But I don’t make decisions for my clients. I coach them on the possible outcomes, strategies, and results. Then, I take the data they give me and I ask the right questions to get them to come to their own conclusion. 


Making decisions is such a huge part of our lives.  


Other people shouldn’t be making decisions for you.

You should take control of your own decisions because there are a million things in your life that you can’t control. But you can control your decisions. You control how you choose to think, act, react and respond.  


So, in this episode (and blog post), I break down why so many of us get stuck and why making decisions is so damn difficult! I also share making quick decisions is one of the top three traits of successful entrepreneurs. And, I discuss how you can start making better decisions without letting fear hold you back. 

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Alternatively you can watch the video below, or read on…}


1. You’re letting the fear of making the wrong decision stop you from making ANY decision!


If you’re the type of person to overanalyze things like your life depends on it, welcome. This one is for you! 


When you’re stuck overanalyzing everything, it’s usually because you’re afraid to make a bad decision. Everyone wants to make the right decision. And, they don’t want to color outside the lines in case the “wrong” decision makes them feel uncomfortable or changes up their routine a little more than they would’ve liked. 


Overanalyzers tend to play a record of “what if” scenarios in their minds and it’s on constant replay.  


Here are a few examples of the type of “what if” situations you might relate to: 


I don’t know if I should quit my day job yet, what if it’s the wrong choice and turns out I’m not good at being a business owner? 




I don’t know if I should invest in this training because what if I don’t like it or I find I’m not good enough or it’s the wrong training or the wrong decision and I lost all that money? 


…. you get the idea. 


You avoid making any decision because you spend so much time and energy procrastinating.

Perhaps you’re worried that the outcome won’t be what you wanted or expected.

The problem is that when you don’t make a decision, you stay in your discomfort anyways. Nothing changes. 


So, wouldn’t it be better to be uncomfortable with your decision and at least be on the road to getting what you want?   


2. Decisions = Data 


There’s really no need to overthink your decisions. All your decisions actually do is give you data.

Data that you can then extract and use to help you make better decisions in the future. 


If you can learn to put less meaning on each decision and take some of the weight off yourself each time you face a new decision, you’ll be able to think a lot clearer.  


Think back to a time when you had to make an important decision in your life or business.  


You had no idea what the outcome of that decision would be. I would bet you didn’t know if it would get you the outcome you desired or start the apocalypse. You didn’t know how it would go until afterwards and guess what? The world didn’t end. 


Whether you choose to do something or not, you get more data to help inform you to make better decisions going forward. That’s the whole point in making decisions.  


Decisions help you to get from one place to the next.  


Refusing to make a decision leaves you stagnant. You’re not going forward because you haven’t decided to. But, when you make a decision, the data you receive as a result informs you as to which path you’re on and what steps you should take to keep getting closer to your end goal. 

3. The value of making decisions ahead of time


Sometimes, when we’re faced with the pressure of making an important decision (or any decision, really) we get a little stage fright. When you’re in the moment, everything seems so much bigger and scarier than it actually is. 


My advice is to start making decisions in advance.  


For one thing, it takes the pressure off. Plus, it helps to reduce all the emotion connected to the decision. And, since the urgency isn’t as apparent, you’re free from the pressure. Hopefully, this will help to give you some clarity so you can make decisions without your emotions clouding your judgment.  


Now, let’s talk a little biology for a moment. Our brain has one job and that’s to keep us alive. Your mind wants you to be healthy and avoid danger and anything it perceives as ‘scary.’ This is great when you’re running away from a crazy serial killer, but not so great when you need to make a business decision. 


What’s more, your brain only has a certain amount of energy available for decision making. 




Well, it’s got to conserve as much energy as possible for actual emergencies. Therefore, every decision we make eats away at our ‘brain energy.’ When we spend time overthinking and overanalyzing decisions without coming up with a final conclusion, our brain uses energy without any forward momentum or resolve. A lot of the time we end up thinking about the same thing over and over again and it’s like the same thoughts are on repeat. 


Since your brain has a finite amount of energy, you need to ask yourself if you want to spend that energy overanalyzing a problem OR would you rather make a decision with an actual outcome? 


If you’re stuck trying to decide whether or not to start a lash business, you have two choices to make.  


You can either plot out the steps in advance and create a timeline of when you’re going to ‘make the leap.’  


Or, you can live by default and let your lack of decisions rule your life. It’s up to you! 

4. Choose your life 


To help get you to overcome overanalyzing, I suggest doing a decision audit. This is a lot easier than it sounds. All you have to do is start with something simple. A no-brainer question that you really don’t need to think twice about. 


Have it in your mind? 


Great! Now, say out loud, “I choose ……” 


For me, I would say “I choose my marriage.” Making my marriage work hasn’t been easy, but the decision to stay married and keep working at it has been an active decision for both my husband and I. 


When you get in the habit of making decision audits, you’ll soon see what’s really important to you and what isn’t.  


Then, start thinking about all the decisions you aren’t making. I bet you’ve got a few decisions that you keep putting on the back burner for another day.  


Well, today is that day my friend! 


If you want a more lucrative business, it’s up to you to decide what the necessary steps and actions are to start moving towards that profitable business. 


I encourage you to just make decisions.


If you didn’t have to worry about a decision being wrong or right, what decision would you make? Have your answer? Awesome! Now you just need to make the decision. Don’t second guess it. Or overthink it. Just decide and keep moving forward. 


Join The Lashpreneur Society Waitlist!  


If you have decided that you want a more successful lash business and the action you need to take to get that result is learning how to operate, market and grow a profitable lash business… my business coaching program would be a fantastic place for you to do JUST that.  


We only open up the doors a few times a year and we’re closing in on our next opening. But you’ll need to get on the waitlist to know more about the what and the when of this program that’s transforming lash artists into lashpreneurs.  


Sign up for our waitlist here. 


Have a good one!  

Tara Walsh  

The Lashpreneur