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Managing Your Business Money Like a Pro

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

Tags: client experience

Build, Grow

How to Attract High Paying Clients

Build Grow

So you don’t have to work evenings & weekends This is a question I get over and over, and I love to help fellow lashpreneurs structure their businesses so they can attract the clientele they need so they don’t have to work evenings and weekend.  And since I was able to do this myself inContinue reading "How to Attract High Paying Clients"

Build, Grow

Client Expectations Vs Reality: Have you Met the Mark?

client expectation
Build Grow

Want a little insider’s tip? What YOU are putting out there from the second they first interact with your business (usually online) is already setting their expectation of the type of service and experience they would receive if they decide to book an appointment with you.


Sick Policy


<iframe width=”568″ height=”319″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe> Swipe left to check out my exact “Sickness or Family Emergency Policy”. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, having clear policies to tell your clients what’s expected of them is the best way to ensure your time is respected. There’s nothing worse to your businessContinue reading "Sick Policy"

Build, Grow, Start, Videos

Setting Client Expecations

Build Grow Start Videos

<iframe width=”568″ height=”319″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe> Setting boundaries and expectations for your clients makes the lash biz world a better place! It benefits the clients to know what they should and should not do to ensure their lashes remain “fleeky” at all times and you establishing the “rules” communicates to your potential andContinue reading "Setting Client Expecations"