In this special edition of The Lessons of a Lashpreneur Show, I am answering the most burning biz questions from our very own audience! On today’s episode I will be answering the following questions: 1) : What makes a service outstanding? How do you get clients to come back? 2) Why am I not gainingContinue reading "Q&A Edition to your Lash Biz Questions"
When it comes to having a successful lash business, your skill set is only half of the battle. You could be the best lash artist west of the Mississippi, but if you don’t have an excellent client experience that includes a clean, relaxing, and comfortable place for them to relax and unwind during the appointment,Continue reading "How To Uplevel Your Client Experience On The Cheap"
Well well well… I suppose this is about the time where you’re expecting me to tell you what my secret to building my business is. As you might already know, I transformed my in person lash business to a fully online, multi six figure business, with the help of this one thing… But before IContinue reading "I Don’t Want You To Know My Secret – But Here It Is! Meet my Coach James Wedmore"
Your mind is a powerful tool. Having a strong mindset is key for achieving the life and business success you want. We all have dreams. Whether we choose to allow ourself to see what’s possible for our life, or we hold ourselves back, play small, and live inside of our comfort zone… there’s one thingContinue reading "The Secret to Massive Growth in Your Business"