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The Best Thing I’ve Ever Learned To Do for Myself

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

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I wanted to share with you some mindset hacks and strategies that you too can start to implement into your business and your life that will really help set you free. What I share in this week’s episode helps me overcome paralyzing anxiety, it helps me stay positive and out of a victim state, and it makes me a better woman, coach, family member and mom.

Being able to shift perspectives or even see other perspectives of any situation your in is a POWERFUL skill that you can learn and practice DAILY.

The thoughts that you think ARE within your control… and even when you get some disempowering or destructive thoughts that come in – YOU can choose whether those thoughts mean something about you or that they’re just thoughts that popped into you head and they have no bearing on anything about who you are.

Your mind is a powerful weapon that can be used to debilitate you and your life OR it can be used to help you rise above anything life throws your way and be used for your best good!

Episode highlights:

  • [1:37] Shifting perspectives using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • [3:38] Identifying my anxiety helped me have self-awareness
  • [6:50] How beliefs and thoughts affect our business
  • [10:21] How to shift your perspectives and challenge your beliefs using “saturated market” as an example
  • [19:05] How to shift your perspective when it comes to money and finances
  • [22:33] My challenge to you this week – Be aware of the thoughts that don’t serve you

I’d love it if you would leave a review and let me know what episodes have really helped you in your business.
