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How should you start marketing your business? A new service? MOST business owners completely miss this crucial first step and skip straight to social media posting and asking friends and family to share with their friends that you’re in business…


So what IS the first step in marketing then? 

You MUST identify who’s problem you solve. You must identify a target market! You must see if there’s an opportunity for your business to meet the needs of a certain clientele. So let’s get into it! 

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Or read on…}

 Finding Your Target Market   

To market yourself correctly, with intention, first you must figure out WHO you are serving. 

Who’s problem do you solve? Who has that problem?

Lash artists solve a variety of problems for a variety of different people, but your job is to pick one that you’re going to build your brand and reputation on.

Just one! I know that sounds limiting, but bear with me here… 

You can start with yourself and look at how you view eyelash extensions as a customer. Why do you love lashes? What did lashes do for you? How did you feel? What was better about your day to day with lashes on? IF you ever took lashes off, what did you miss about them?

All of these are ways YOU can start to understand a potential customers problem and why she might be considering you to be her lash artist

Finding Your Niche  

You’re not for everyone. And that is a GOOD THING. 

I see the “If you have eyeballs – I want to be your lash artist!” mindset happen A LOT with new business owners. That is a mistake. 

The most common objection to narrowing down your target market is, “Well I don’t want to exclude anyone. Like I can do 18 year olds lashes AND 50 year olds lashes. I don’t want to niche down so much that I lose out on business.”

And I get that mindset. And this is where running a business isn’t exactly logical. It’s not always common sense.

Take MY BUSINESS for example… 

I am business coach. Not only am I business coach, but I am a business coach for business owners. And not only am I business coach for business owners, but beauty business owners. And not just beauty business owners but LASH business owners. And not just lash business owners but those who want to know and learn more about marketing and building a clientele.



I know the struggles you face to a T.

While any decent business coach worth their salt can help you navigate any hiccups in business, I’m a unicorn. I can help with both types of client retention problems. Meaning, if your client is losing lashes left and right, I can’ help you trouble shoot adhesive issues and aftercare.

If a client only comes in for a full set and doesn’t come back for her fill, I can help you troubleshoot why that might have been and how to get her back in.

I know business AND beauty.

I solve a specific set of problems for a specific audience. And that my friends, is the beauty of having a very clear and specific target market you serve.

Unique Selling Point 

Become the GO TO expert for a specific service.

Then you can start to look at your business in a whole new light once you have clarity on WHO you serve.

Think for yourself and question the status quo so YOU can stand out and be different.

Be unique. Find your target market of RAVING FANS who will do your marketing for you because you were so incredible at solving their problem!

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur