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The January Slump & What To Do About It

Posted inGrow

Today I’m going to address that ever looming lash industry slump…


Talk about a holiday hangover! January is usually the slowest month in our industry, and before you freak out on me and claim that the lash industry is starting to decline, I want to share with you some way’s to make January a GREAT month in your business – even if the volume of clients slows down.

We work in a cyclical business , which means we go through seasons of busy periods and seasons of slow periods. This applies to the beauty industry as a whole – so it’s not just lashes. Typically after all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we can start to see client’s pull back on the purse strings as backlash to spending so much during the holidays.

If you experience this in your business, don’t freak out! It’s totally normal. But that doesn’t mean we make impulsive or reactionary decisions in our business…so here are my 3 tips on how to make January great.

Plan Out Your Year

It’s pretty simple – less clients, more time! I’ve heard society members tell me time and time again that they don’t have time to work on their actual business, just in it. If you “don’t have the time to work on your business” own that sis!

You are CHOOSING to prioritize your time elsewhere… you’re not a victim of time, you’re in the drivers seat. When a slow season hits in business, it’s a great time to prioritize getting a lot of those business to do’s off your plate and actually start to move your business forward.

Take a vacation or time off

TAKE A BREAK! If you were booked solid thru the holidays, you deserve some time to recover!

If the holidays were slow for you – you still need time off to get your head in the right space. Working harder isn’t always working smarter. Experiment with giving yourself a break and clearing your head for a few days. This will help you come back with a renewed sense of motivation to jump back into growing that lash baby of yours.

Get back into good habits

There are a ton of business habits that you can refine and create in January, but the one I’m going to touch on today is accounting.


The “I’m not good with numbers” excuse will not fly anymore. You’re a business owner, so you signed up for personal development on every level. Hire an accountant and have them teach you what you need to be doing on a weekly or monthly basis to ensure you know where your business is at financially. 

As a business owner, I can’t recommend enough to sign up for Quickbooks, an accounting software that helps you keep track of expenses and income. Also, you’ll want to have a separate BUSINESS BANK ACCOUNT to understand how money comes in and out of your business.

So if January is a slow month, this is not a bad thing – you’ve been given the gift of time. YOU get to choose what you do with that time and how you see time – you can see it in abundance or you can see it from a place of scarcity. If you want a successful lash business in 2020 – my recommendation is to use the extra time you have coming your way in January to work ON your business to set yourself up for success in 2020.

Let me know one way YOU will take advantage of a slower month on Instagram stories – send me a DM or tag me in your stories and let me know what you’re up to next month!

Happy business building!

Have a good one!