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Imposter Syndrome is REAL

Posted inBuild, Grow

Ahhh – one of the great joys of being a lash artist… TROLLS! 


Something I feel like lash artists often have to deal with is trolls. People who tell you that you should not be doing something because you aren’t good enough, people who are hating on you because of their own insecurities, and the list goes on and on. 

Normally, I let them roll right off my shoulder, but this week I simply could not ignore it. So let’s talk about imposter syndrome… 

Imposter Syndrome is when you feel like you should not be doing something because you are not qualified to do it.

Or, you feel that you do not have enough knowledge about what you are doing or teaching so you must be fraud.

An example of imposter syndrome would be if a woman wanted to be an eyelash extension educator, but felt that she could not because she has only been in the industry for two years. She feels like she doesn’t have enough knowledge or experience to teach others.  

 And most of the time, Imposter Syndrome strikes because someone has MADE YOU FEEL THAT WAY. 

{If you want to listen to the podcast episode on this topic, click on the player at the top of the post. Or read on…}

 So this week, one woman commented on one of my Facebook advertisements and said “You should not be teaching unless you have been a Lash Artist for 15 years.” 

Like I said, normally I just ignore trolls and go about my day, but I simply could not ignore this one and is why.

 Value vs. Experience

This particular comment brings up a couple of interesting points.

Does it really matter how long someone has been practicing their skill set as long as the people that are learning from it are gaining value? Absolutely not. 

 Does it really matter if it took someone 5 years vs. 15 years to master their skill? 

If someone is telling you that you cannot do something based on the amount of time you’ve been doing it, DO NOT BELIEVE THEM. They are living their life based off of such a disempowering belief. 

Is it nice to have a lot of experience under your belt? Sure…does having less experience make you less valuable as a lash artist? HECK NO!! 

 Getting out of Your Own Way 

If you are letting outside influences such as random internet strangers, or even your family, friends, peers, etc, dictate your actions, you need to reevaluate who’s opinion matters most. 

You have the potential to do some absolutely incredible things… do not let others be in charge of your sense of worth. 

Sign up for my FREE lash workshop

If you’re serious about growing your lash business and you want my help, I invite you to join me in my FREE 4-part video series ‘Your Best Year Ever’. You can find out more about this new workshop here:

Have a Good One!

Tara Walsh

The Lashpreneur