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The Power of Community For The Lonely Business Owner

Posted inBuild, Grow, Start

As business owners, we often face challenges that our family and friends don’t get. It’s like trying to explain quantum physics to a rock. They’re not even really sure what it is you DO for a living…

And trying to vent to your team about these challenges? Let’s just say, that’s like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. If you vent to your team about the challenges you’re facing, it makes you look like an ineffective leader who can’t “keep it together”. They start to think that the business (and their job) is at risk – and may seek more “stable” employment somewhere else.

But fear not, because on today’s episode we’re discussing why finding a tribe of business owners who understand the struggle is crucial. 

And who better to join me in this convo than one of MY biz besties – Amber Brueseke of Biceps After Babies! Amber helps women achieve their health and fitness goals in a fun and easy way. Her motto is:  “Lose the weight you want without cutting out the food you love.” And I’m pretty sure she’s onto something there.

Listen in as we share our own journeys, plus how being a part of a mastermind has helped Amber double her business every year.

Trust me, you’ll get a good laugh, some solid advice and hopefully a new business bestie out of it.

Remember, we were never meant to do this business thing alone! 

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s chat about finding your tribe.

Interested in finding a tribe of driven beauty biz owners who are building out teams and ready to stop trading their time for money? We’ve got two programs that provide just that – Our Society Xcelerator for those who are just getting started with building out a team and our Momentum Mastermind for those that already have a team and are looking to grow their business to multiple six and seven figures without growing their time spent in it! DM me on Instagram #hire and we can share more details about these programs and the tribe of women waiting to support your growth!

Episode Highlights:

  • What are the benefits of having a peer group as a business owner? 
  •  The value and benefit of connecting with other business owners that get it. 
  • Why it’s not appropriate to turn to your team for business advice.